Friday, May 15, 2009

Boy meets Girl

I think I'm learning something. After several years of being single, one would hope I've figured a few things out. At the risk of exposing what might be considered by some my secrets, I want to chat about dating for a few minutes. I've learned that in the dating world, genders have specific roles. And I've learned it the hard way. After spending a couple years trying to reverse the natural ways of the universe in pursuit of a boy, I finally gave up and moved on with life. But that's exactly when the universe flipped. What I had excessively attempted to thrust my will upon finally came to be interested in me. Actually, the more I think about it, the universe didn't flip at all. It just won, like it always does. In this case, it showed me that there is a natural way to "boy meets girl" that comes in a million variations, but it comes down to boy picking girl. I don't know enough about the male psyche or darwinian theory to have any explanation for this. But somehow, boys must, on their own volition, choose a girl then make an effort to get her to choose him. Girls can crush all they want, but boys need to decide. It's not rocket science, I know. It's just something that I've come to believe. That's all.


Lisa said...

You know one thing that I have always loved about you? You are able to explain or state things in ways I don't think I ever could. You are naturally an observant and contemplative person. And to think that we are related! ;) Anyway, I agree with you to some degree.

Erika said...

So true! I miss you, when can we get together?!

Taryn said...

i've been wondering what is up with you and your love life lately? i can't quite decode and figure out who "boy" is in your post...but i hope it's fabulous.

i miss you!

Millicent said...


Brittany said...


It sounds like we have some major catching up to do. If this boy is who I think it is than we definitely need to talk!


Roxanne said...

Seriously, you couldn't have said it better. I was JUST talking to a friend the other day trying to explain this to them but wasn't getting my point across-you expressed it perfectly. I have been thinking that same exact thought for the past 6 months but you wrapped it up nicely!!!