Thursday, January 12, 2012

Being back!

I finished my MPH degree in December and was quickly swept away by the holidays.  Now that I'm back, I'm enjoying guiltless television watching and internet surfing.  It's great!  Once the guiltlessness of being quite unproductive in my free time wears off, I think I'll start blogging more.  In other words, you'll hear from me more in 2012!  (My sister keeps reminding me that even in my free time, I'm making a person, which is quite a project indeed.) 


Aaron said...

We, your reader base, look forward to seeing your new posts. Also, here's an article to encourage you to blog more:

Erika said...

Congratulations on finishing your degree! That is awesome!!! Keep up the good work growing that sweet little boy...please let me know if there is anything you need :)