Wednesday, October 03, 2012


A lot has happened since my last post. I just put the blogger app on my phone so I think blogging just got easier!

Our most recent news is that we are back in Colorado. We loved living in Utah for the summer; I felt like it was a gift to be close to family for a few months. I'll write a more lengthy post when I have some time to share the highlights of the summer.

For now, here are a few recent pics of Clark. Where did six months go? He's a big boy (75% on weight and 65% on height). He's almost crawling and he talks a lot. People tend to think he looks like Ben. I'm ok with that because I think Ben is handsome! I also see some of me in him when I get past the brown eyes, tan skin and dark hair. :) I just love this boy!


Wendy said...

I just love him too!

Aaron said...

Cute kiddo!