Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Saying Goodbye

This is my last week at my current employer. Exciting and wonderful as change is, it still tugs at my heart strings when it comes to actually doing it. For much of the past 2 years, I ran a one man, er - rather woman, show as the Director of Government Affairs for a non profit organization Washington, DC.

Today, I attended a regular meeting on the Hill where I see the same people every week. As we've worked on common issues, pushed legislation, signed and circulated group letters, supported efforts, activated grassroots, attended events, battled against "the other side," held meetings, and been through thick and thin to accomplish good in the federal government, these folks have become my co-workers. They're the people I see regularly, even though we aren't employed by the same people. I've had the honor to speak to them and keep them informed about my particular issue, abstinence education. Just last week, I spoke to them about our 2007 expectations.

At the end of today's meeting, the magnitude of what goes on there and all that I've been a part of blew me away! As I said goodbye to dear friends, I couldn't help but think about how the fight keeps going, even while the fighters come and go. I felt grateful for the opportunity to be a part of something huge - to contribute to something that I feel strongly about and to actually make an impact. When one friend said, "Charlee, you can't go!" I cried! (I'm such a baby, I know, but sometimes when i'm ineffable, I cry. In that moment, my heart filled with gratitude, and I realized how important my part has been.) The affirmation encouraged me. I am proud of what I've done here!

On my way back to the office, I said goodbye to a few other people who are part of my life. They're the folks in the street who smile at me everytime I pass by. Clayton, my homeless friend, kindly told me he'll miss me (after mentioning that he's broke! I told him that it's ok because I am too!) Then he informed me that he's still reading the Book of Mormon. Now that's AWESOME! I hope that is how I influence people in all areas of my life.

So I'm going to go learn something about the world. I'll be back someday. I am excited for the new path I am embarking on!

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