Monday, April 16, 2007

Fun Monday

Recently, I've discovered an interest that I've never fully embraced until now.


I consider myself a hometown Midwestern girl and with that comes a carefree low level of maintenance. I like to think that I'm naturally beautiful and don't need the trends of fashion to accentuate my looks.

Lately, I've put off my childish ways. Not that I'm going all out vogue, but I'm having more fun. There are a number of reasons for this.

1. We live in a culture that is brutal to a woman's body image. Even small women have complexes. I got over mine! I love my body - I love what I look like and I love finding fun clothes, accessorizing, and wearing make up. (I feel like I'm 14 again!)

2. I live in a cool city that has some great shopping. Yes, Nordstrom is a 1/2 mile from my house. Also, I work in Georgetown - it's dangerous to be so close to Wisconsin Ave and M Street.

3. Spain. See below. I don't know what Europe did to me, but I came back with a much greater appreciation of styles, good clothing, and dressing well. People there don't wear their gym shoes (shh! I still am the dork who wears them to and from the metro).

I bought a yellow shirt the other day that has a bizarre brown pattern and buttons on it. I have new skinny jeans with designs on the butt pockets. I love puffy sleeves, and I'm even sewing a dress for myself. What has gotten into me?!?! The best part, I'm finding fantastic deals. Shopping takes skill! ... and $$$. ha! Can I just say that allowing for shopping in my budget makes all the difference in the world (even when it's a meager amount)!

This Monday evening, after celebrating a birthday at Pentagon Row, I stopped by La Vand, a small boutique near my home. They have way cute trendy stuff that is decently priced. I'm so excited to have discovered this store so close to home! I didn't buy anything tonight, but I think the place has promise for another time.

OK, now I need to study.


Michael said...

Sounds good. I think I'll put it on my Netflix queue.

Janey said...

I LOVE La Vande! Good thing they only have 6 of each shirt...chances are we'll never duplicate :)