Thursday, January 24, 2008

Up, Up, and Away!

It's here! At 6 pm today, I board a plane and surrender to the unknown! Days like this encompass a myriad of emotions, primarily excitement and stress. Going to Uganda on humanitarian service is something that I'm making happen, it's not just happening to me. Accomplishing something of this magnitude is incredibly rewarding, and it never could happen without all the people who love and support me.

Please email me - it might take a day or two to return a note, but I will have access to the internet occasionally.

If anyone needs to reach me, please call 011-256-774-270-209 . That's a cell phone number that is available for my use. But make sure to keep in mind that they are 8 hours ahead of EST so please don't call too late (best time to call is mid-morning here).

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! to all everyone of you! I've had so many supportive and very generous people influence this decision. Because of your giving to me, in any kind of way, I am able to give to the people of Uganda.

Please check my blog often. I'll try to update it as much as possible.

Love you all!



Melanie said...

Good luck!!!! We are so excited for you! I'm sorry that we could not be there at your farewell party last night as we had a dinner with Nate's boss. I'm so happy for you!

Tracy and Odie said...

oh man, i can't believe you're leaving. sure love you. be safe.

Taryn said...

yay! i'm so excited for you! sorry we missed the party last night.

update this thing often...i can't wait to hear about your adventures! i'll miss walking with you this spring though :)

Jenny said...

Good lucky Charlee. I'm excited to hear about all your adventures. You are going to love it, the people are amazing and you will never look at things the same way. And again I definitely suggest the river rafting and murcheson falls.

Mandy said...

Good Luck!!!

I am sure that you will affect the people of Uguanda as much as they affect you. Enjoy every moment!!

Michael said...

Wow, this is it. Good Luck.

Thanks again for the invite to the going away party. It was good to meet your roommates and all.

Cheers. (Love you too. :) )

Nicole Anderson Photography said...

That is so awesome that you are living your dreams and helping others in the process. You are inspiring! Best of luck- your cousin Nikki