Thursday, February 21, 2008



Today our visitors arrived. Joyce Wanda and 12 of her friends, including AAH board members and major donors are visiting the school and touring the country. They came for the clinic opening. The students put on an impressive assembly to greet them. Their smiling dancing faces bring such joy to my heart!

If any of you would like to visit, I would LOVE to have you!

It's 2 am and I'm going to bed now - gnight!


Michael said...

Wow, I almost forgot to check for new posts. I have a lot of RSS feeds I look over.

The day I almost skip the check for Charlee Chats, there are 5 posts!

2am? Go to bed!

Taryn said...

ooooh...i wish we could visit you! i'll get on trying to talk brendon into that one. lol.

Hot Scott said...

Charlee, it's so fun to read about your experiences in Africa. Now you know what I've been talking about for so long. Africans will change your life forever. I hope you soak it all in and I hope you enjoy it all. I will be in Uganda towards the end of March (I'll keep you updated). Let's get together.