Wednesday, October 21, 2009

on the upswing

What do I do when I'm sick? Well, I stay home. I've been home from work all week and I've probably slept at least 75% of it. I ate chicken noodle soup, sipped on theraflu (btw, it tastes icky, but it's the wonder drug), and knocked myself out on day/nyquil. A few friends have braved my illness - I'm in good hands!
Photo from

I woke up feeling a hundred times better today. My aches are gone, my cough has subsided, I no longer feel chills and feverish. I just feel really weak - like my body is recovering after being hit by a truck or something. I took my car in to be fixed and cleaned my house - deep cleaned it. Yes, that's a sure sign I'm feeling better. My boss, who is a physician, told me it sounds like I'm on the upswing and if I keep feeling good all day I can probably go back to work tomorrow (as long as it has been 24 hours since I've been feverish ... so far so good).

For the record, this flu actually isn't too bad to endure. I mean, I've felt way worse than this before. Like when I had strept throat as a kid or when I broke up with a boyfriend. The good thing is now I'm immune. I thought I would take advantage of herd immunity this year, but now I get to contribute to it. Here's to being one more person in the human population who can't get H1N1 ever again!


Melanie said...

oh my goodness! I can't believe you got swine flu. Crazy woman. Glad you are feeling better.

AJ Candrian said...

Hey, I found the link to your blog on my sisters blog! I'm so sorry to hear you had H1N1! Yuck! Especially since you mentioned on Sunday that we had the same type of cough. Luckily a cough and runny nose are my only symptoms... so far. Let me know if I can do anything for you! Glad you are feeling better!

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