Sunday, November 28, 2010

Unexpected Africa

Some things I never expect. Like being in Kenya right now. Yup, I just arrived, checked into my hotel, and am trying to sleep, but I can't sleep. I wish I could sleep! Blasted jet lag.

I got a call last week from my old employer asking if I was available to help with a project in Nairobi for a few weeks. Who turns that down? Of course I'm available! (Well, except for my classes, but I'll work them out.) Actually, I was apprehensive about leaving Ben for so long, but he's really proud of me and totally supportive. I also don't like being out of the country during December because it means I'll miss a lot of the Holiday season. But that's just something to complain about in a situation where there's no room for complaints. I'll be home in mid-December with plenty of time to get into the Christmas spirit.

I think this project is going to be a good challenge and an exciting career opportunity. Plus, it's always cool to travel and see a new place. Especially when it's unexpectedly in Africa.


Melanie said...

wow, that's crazy! Be safe. love you!

Aaron said...

Wow, you sure do lead a rough life, with your last minute trips to Africa and all :P Have fun and pet an elephant for me!

Amy Lovell said...

You know what's funny? They called me last week to go, too, and I almost did. Although I had to get permission to miss work, I was all about going. When I called to tell them, looks like I can go, they told me "someone" else is already going. Looks like that "someone" else is you! Hope you're having fun, I'm totally jealous.

Elise said...

That sounds so cool! I want to go to Africa. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Aly said...

Charlee, You're seriously so cool! We've missed you here! Be safe.