Thursday, August 23, 2007

Such a classy lady

There is an older gentleman at my work named Willie. I don't know the details of his story, but he is a full time volunteer at the hospital. Rumor has it that he once was a top administrator here and had some sort of accident or stroke that damaged his mental capacity. Doctors at Georgetown saved his life so once he was better, he enlisted as a full time volunteer. I asked him a few weeks ago how long he's been here and he said, "I have volunteered at Georgetown Hospital 18,500 hours." That's like 9 YEARS of full time employment.

Willie does simple tasks. He sorts the mail, delivers stuff, sits in a chair, files, and best of all, he brings me a glass of water with ice and a lemon every morning- without fail. I always tell him thank you, but Willie doesn't say much. Sometimes I ask him how he's doing and after a short "I'm well," he bee-lines out of the room.

Today I ran into him at the refrigerator in the break room. In his extremely awkward approach (that I've gotten used to), he said, "Good morning, Charlee," patted me on the back and continued, "you look nice today. You're such a classy lady."

Hahaha! I love it... I'm a classy lady! Thank you, Willie! I'm so grateful for your kindness and for the water every morning!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

You sure are classy!

What a sweet story. I loved it!