Tuesday, August 22, 2006


This morning when I was not getting out of bed after my alarm went off, I realized that I'm never very motivated for Tuesdays. Mondays are not the dreaded days in my book. For some reason, Tuesdays are slow... right from the start. I'm slow getting ready. I won't hurry for work, even though I'm late. I'm typically tired. And is it just me or does Tuesday tend to be the busiest day of the week?

While I took the long way to the metro this morning (which only added to my lally-dagging), my mind raced toward the quotidian thoughts that usually occupy my morning commute. What happened yesterday? What do I need to do today? How do I feel about this, that or the other? How do others feel about me?

I began to ponder upon my lack of zeal for these third of seven days. In a quick moment, you know, the powerful kind that comes in that split second that you decided you want to change the course the day, I changed my question. What do I want to be today? The answer is simple and motivating. I want to be me today. Me as determined by the choices I make and the attitude I maintain. Regardless of the to-do list, the what-happened-yesterday list, the want list, and the many other lists that cause dissatisfaction and anxiety, I am in charge of today. I can be great today!

So how am I going to be great today? Something amazing happened in that moment I mentioned. A mere a paradigm shift occurred! Rather than expecting a mundane day after Monday, I switched gears entirely. I thought about the characteristics I value and wish to uphold... charity, faith, love, kindness, and being active, creative, honest, diligent, focused, insightful, etc. Just allowing those words to resonate in my mind gives me a lense for which to answer the rest of the questions Tuesdays bring.

And alas... Tuesdays will never be the same.

1 comment:

ANJ said...

did you really just say lollygagging?? I LOVE IT! maybe i'll teach it to my students... i love tuesdays because i don't have classes that day! i'm lollygagging all over the place...