Saturday, October 07, 2006

More Grey's

Yup, it was another girl party this afternoon. No joke: another 4 episodes of Grey's Anatomy. Dr. McDreamy is beautiful, however, I'm really disappointed that the writers of the show make viewers want him to leave his wife so he can be with Meredith. We're in the middle of season two. Has anyone seen the episode where the train wreck happens? I literally cried. I was sobbing because the young girl who had a pole through her stomach, which pole also happened to be through man as well, died so graciously. Only one of them could survive and the doctors chose the man because his injuries were less severe and he had a higher chance of survival. It must be so difficult for doctors to decide who to save in situations where one must die for the other to live.

I'm reminded of when I interned in a heath services department for my church. My mentor handled all the major medical cases that came to the church. One case he had was a family from Mexico who flew to the US with hope that the church would assist them with expensive medical procedures their 12 year old daughter needed to treat lukemia. They desperately sought help for their 12 year old; however, they did not adhere to church procedure which starts with local leaders offering assistance and goes up the authority line from there. Basically, they landed on the doorsteps at the children's care hospital without anyone knowing they were coming and no idea of how they would pay for the care. It was my mentor's job to decide how to handle the situation. After consulting many doctors and church leaders, the ultimate decision was made: she must get treatment in Mexico. This was primarily based on the fact that the treatment would cost over $250,000 and her chances of survival were very slim.

First of all, I keenly remember the parents. They could not understand English so translators were necessary to give them the news. They looked so desparate and scare, yet brave at the same time. It must have taken so much courage for them to go to such measures for their child. Doing so may have even saved her life. Even though their little girl would not get kemotherapy or a bone marrow transplant here, what the doctors did to stabalize her health gave her more possiblity to survive care in her homeland.

I'm disturbed that medical expenses have so much to do with whether doctors will save a life or not. But if the hospital treated this girl or anyone without insurance, the cost must be covered from somewhere. That somewhere ends up being the other patients and their insurance companies.

Health care becomes invaluable when it comes to one's own health. I wonder if I'd pay anything for a treatment that would save my life if I was dying. The spenthrift in me says no. But does the spendthrift have a say when the other alternative means there will be no spending to save for in the long run since I'd be dead? I think I would pay anything for more life to live. The first reason would be for my family and loved ones. The second would be to accomplish a few more great things and to learn and serve as much as I can.

hmm... there's a lot to think about here.

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