Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Learning to Read

AAH students work very hard to learn how to read. They love our new library and the opportunity to take books home. Meet Nongola Nimrod, a P4 student. He likes to read out loud. He often came to our house after school to see what we had for him to read. He took on everything from short stories to articles in old issues of The Economist. I'm not sure he really understood much of about the context of current events and world issues, but he does say the words correctly.


Michael said...

Nimrod? There is a name I haven't heard in a long time. Just kidding. I recently inquired of an old friend what Jared, who called himself Nimrod or everyone else did anyway, was up to these days.

That's good to see Nimrod likes to read. Maybe he can go to GW when he is older.

Walter and Lynsi Hohmann said...

Charlee!! Oh my gosh, how are you?! I haven't talked to you or heard anything about you in SO long! So, you're living in Uganda? How cool is that? It looks like you're doing great! It's great to be able to see how you're doing! You can check Walt and I out on our blog. www.wlhohmann.blogspot.com We're doing great! Texas is treating us right!