Friday, December 01, 2006

Christmas Music

I was just thinking about how cheesy some Christmas music is. I think that people actually prefer this inoffensive story-telling style of music. However, the sing-a-long holiday tunes are not the type to top the pop culture charts; therefore, no one listens to it the rest of the year. Do you ever hear Easter music played in the stores?

When Christmas comes around, people's true colors come out. They become merry by listening to Mannheim Steam Roller, renditions of Rudalph, and simple instrumental versions of familiar tunes. Any other time of year, Alvin and the Chipmunks would not make the Muzak CD that is sent to the Gap.

It's no wonder that pop stars like Mariah Carey and Clay Akin have tapped into Christmas music... they don't have to find excuses for their ever present cheesiness!

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