Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Car Story #2

Oh, the woes of owning a car...

I got a flat tire this week. Luckily, a few years ago, a friend of mine took me on as a service project and showed me how to take care of such mishaps. But sometimes the best way to get something done is to let someone more knowledgable do it. The gold star of the century goes out to a friend who graciously gave his time in the November cold to help me!

To our dismay, we jacked up the car only to find out that the donut tire was flat too! Instantly, our 15 minute job turned into a project. It was late and dark so it would have to wait for the morning.

The tire shop opened at 7:30 AM. I learned that in order to find the leak or problem in a tire, they (tire shop people) throw the tire in a big tank of water and watch for bubbles (kinda old fashioned, huh?). Well, my tire had no bubbles, so the just repressurized it and sent me on my way free of charge.

That's the cheapest car fix I've ever had!

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